Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

If you follow my blog long enough, you know that I have a crazy obsession with sweaters

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Welcome to Lima's Wardrobe Blog

posted 9 years ago, on

DSC_0490If you follow my blog long enough, you know that I have a crazy obsession with sweaters. I love to wear them because they are so comfortable and you can style them in so many different ways. The one I'm showing you today is from Blake Seven here. I combined it with my new backpack from 'Comptoir Des Cotonniers' here. Nowadays those sweeties became so famous. Since Chiara was spotted with the Chanel Graffiti Backpack during pfw you can find them everywhere. To me they really scream that 'school look'. So what do you think? Yay or nay ?

Si vous suivez mon blog depuis un petit temps, vous savez que j'adore les sweaters. J'aime les porter parce qu'ils sont tellement comfortable et facile a styler. Celui que je vous montre aujourd'hui est de Blake Seven ici. Je l'ai combiné avec mon nouveau sac à dos de «Comptoir Des Cotonniers ici. Aujourd'hui ils sont devenus si célèbres. Depuis que Chiara a été repéré avec le Chanel Graffiti Sac à dos pendant la pfw vous pouvez les trouver partout. Pour moi, ils donnent vraiment ce look 'd'écoliers'. Alors, que pensez-vous? Yay or nay?

Se mi seguite da un po' di tempo, allora sapete già che sono fissata con le maglie. Mi piacciono perché sono comodissime e molto versatili. In queste fotografie ne indosso una di Blake Seven abbinata al mio nuovo zaino di Comptoir Des Cottoniers. Ormai, da quando Chiara si è fatta vedere con lo zaino Graffiti di Chanel , queste borse sono diventate un must. A me ricordano molto gli anni della scuola, ma li trovo irrinunciabili. Voi che ne pensate? Un abbraccio! Lima -x-


Backpack: COMPTOIR DES COTONNIERS - Tights: WOLFORD - Sunglasses: VOGUE - Skort, jacket: ZARA - Earrings, single rings: MAYMOMA - Sweater: BLAKE SEVEN - Shoes: LOLA CRUZ - Precious stone ring: SORU JEWELLERY.


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Elke Meirlaen

Reply Elke Meirlaen on 10 November 2014:

Beautiful!!!!! I love it!!! ♡♡♡

Gravatar Vanessa B

Reply Vanessa B on 10 November 2014:

Echt een mooie look. Volledig mijn stijl zoals ik al op instagram schreef ;) mooi wer Lima x


Reply 10 November 2014:

Girl you look smashing hot like usual!!
Love to read your blog!! Amazing looks.
Ch ck out mine when u have time please!

Rosie de

Gravatar Suzy La Roche

Reply Suzy La Roche on 10 November 2014:

J'adore ce style, vraiment sympa. Resplendissante comme d'ab.
Check ton email stp, merci ;)


Reply 10 November 2014:

That jacket, that bag and those shoes! Need them.
You look stunning and red fits you perfectly.
Have a nice day,



Reply 10 November 2014:

Fabulous school girl. :)

Gravatar Anshul

Reply Anshul on 11 November 2014:

I am in love with your earrings!! They really do stand out, and bring this outfit to another level!! <3 And loveee the leopard accent in your outfit!! Very fresh, and pretty!! <3

Gravatar Dressing in Labels

Reply Dressing in Labels on 11 November 2014:

Wat een prachtige jas babe! Ik ben er helemaal verliefd op!

Gravatar Curls and Bags

Reply Curls and Bags on 11 November 2014:

pretty lady!


Reply 11 November 2014:

Vraiment sympa ce look Lima.
Un plaisir pour les yeux... Marie x

Gravatar Eni

Reply Eni on 15 November 2014:

You are amazing Lima!!!! Kisses,

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