Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

How is it possible to have so many clothes but always end up wearing a pair of boyfr

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posted 9 years ago, on


How is it possible to have so many clothes but always end up wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans and a comfy sweater over and over again! Argh... It's crazy :D This is the kind of look I could literally wear every day cuz it's young, comfortable and stylish. I recently purchased this cyan sweater from TAILOR&ELBAZ here. You already know that I'm a pastel fan so this one was mine from the moment I laid my eyes on it. I have been sporting it proudly ever since I bought it, that I feel guilty for ignoring all my other sweaters :) Anyway, I'm wishing you a beautiful sunny day! See ya soon <3

Comment est-ce possible d'avoir autant de vêtements et au final toujours terminer avec un jeans et un sweater. C'est fou n'est ce pas? :D Ceci est le genre de look que je pourrais littéralement porter tous les jours. C'est jeune, comfortable et stylé. J'ai récemment acheté ce pull de TAILOR&ELBAZ ici. Vous savez déjà que je suis un fan de pastel donc je devais me procurer celui-ci. Quoi qu'il en soit, je vous souhaite une belle journée ensoleillée! A bientôt <3

Secondo voi come è possibile che con un armadio pieno di vestiti, alla fine mi metto sempre un paio di jeans Boyfriend e un magione comodo? Sembra assurdo, vero? Ma se potessi, mi vestirei così tutti i giorni perché è un look giovanile, comodo e molto stiloso. Recentemente ho comprato questa maglia di TAILOR&ELBAZ. Sapete bene che adoro i colori pastello quindi, appena l'ho vista me ne sono innamorata e non ho potuto resistere. Da quando l'ho presa la indosso appena posso e devo ammettere che mi sento anche un po' in colpa nei confronti di tutti gli altri maglioni che ho. Ma questo è un problema mio! Buona giornata, ragazze. A presto, Lima -x-




Sweater: TAYLOR&ELBAZ - Flats: VANS for & OTHER STORIES - Jeans: H&M - Bag: CHANEL - Sunglasses: DIOR by B-OPTIEK LATEM - Ring: SORU JEWELLERY (USE THE CODE LIMA20 for 20% OFF!).


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Reply 09 April 2015:


Gravatar fasonique

Reply fasonique on 09 April 2015:

Great casual look! I love your sweatshirt :-)

Gravatar Eni

Reply Eni on 10 April 2015:

Gravatar Jonathan Zegbe

Reply Jonathan Zegbe on 10 April 2015:

super coole look! j'aime ton boyfriend jeans. ca te va a merveillllle


New Look on Le blog: REVERSING WALY
Greets Jon

Gravatar kaley

Reply kaley on 10 April 2015:

I LOVE the top, shoes and the jeans! Also, love that you're drinking BLK. ;)



My Closet Life Blog

Gravatar Suzy from CloseOfTheDay

Reply Suzy from CloseOfTheDay on 10 April 2015:

You totally rock this look. Love the shoes and sweater so much.
I could also wear this every day :D

Gravatar Richa

Reply Richa on 11 April 2015:

So classy and pretty. You look amazing.
Have a lovely weekend 
Richa Shekhar

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