Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

Lima's Wardrobe The weather has been really moody lately. It’s sunny one minute and then cloudy and raining the next. It was just impossible to take outdoor pictures

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posted 8 years ago, on


The weather has been really moody lately. It’s sunny one minute and then cloudy and raining the next. It was just impossible to take outdoor pictures. Not to mention that the temperature dropped down to 16 °C, which is quite chilly for June. As yesterday was very windy I chose to wear a sweater from Deleye here, a jegging from Calzedonia combined with my new sneakers by Lola Cruz. Nothing fancy, but a good comfy casual look for every day. Still hope you like it. Have a great day girls <3

Dernièrement la météo ne nous fait pas de cadeaux. Du soleil et la minute d'après la pluie. Où est l'été??!! Aujourd'hui je vous montre ma tenue d'hier shootée dans la pluie et le vent. En soi rien d’exceptionnel, un look très casual, associant confort et style. J’ai combiné mes pièces préférées du moment: mon sweater 'Love me tender' de chez Deleye, un jegging Calzedonia qui est hyper confortable et mes nouvelles baskets Lola Cruz. J'espère que cela vous inspire quand même un peu. Bisous les filles x

In questo periodo il tempo è proprio strano: un momento c'è il sole, dopo 2 minuti il cielo si copre, e poi inizia a piovere. Così è impossibile scattare fotografie all'aperto. Per non parlare della temperatura che è scesa fino a 16 gradi, pochissimo per il mese di giugno. Dato che ieri faceva freddo, ho indossato questo bel maglione firmato Deleye, un paio di jogging di Calzedonia e le mie nuove sneaker di Lola Cruz. Niente di particolare, è vero, ma è un outfit comodo da poter indossare ogni giorno. Spero che piaccia anche a voi. Buona giornata a tutte! Lima -x-






Sweater: DELEYE here - Jegging: CALZEDONIA - Sneakers: LOLA CRUZ - Bag: CHANEL - Collar: - Jacket: ZARA - Collar: NANOUK here - Sunglasses: FENDI by SUNGLASSAVENUE.


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Elke

Reply Elke on 20 June 2016:

Heel mooie outfit! Ik hou van comfortabele kledij. ????????❤

Gravatar Mima maybe

Reply Mima maybe on 20 June 2016:

Super look moi j'aime beaucoup un look casual peut-être mais avec de supers détails qui lui donnent de l'originalité! Tu es au top!

Gravatar rosie

Reply rosie on 21 June 2016:

Gravatar Nena

Reply Nena on 21 June 2016:

Gravatar Rosa

Reply Rosa on 21 June 2016:

Loving this look, it is so fun and creative.

Gravatar Marie Roberty

Reply Marie Roberty on 05 July 2016:

Rolala j’adore !!!! J’aime beaucoup cette tenue !

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