Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

I finally found the perfect statement jacket! I intend to wear it with everything this Spring! It's so nice with jeans and a simple little t-shirt, yet equally imp

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posted 8 years ago, on


I finally found the perfect statement jacket! I intend to wear it with everything this Spring! It's so nice with jeans and a simple little t-shirt, yet equally impressive over a flowy dress or skirt. The kind of combination that I love. I always look for pieces with special details when it comes to outwear. This fringed perfection has them in abundance! The combination of leather, fringe and stitching details definitely gets my heart racing :) I think you will see this item a lot on the blog! Hope you don't mind haha. I combined it with my (fake) python boots by Sarenza and my new Gucci bag. This outfit turned out to be refined yet effortlessly. Hope you like it...

J’ai un énorme coup de coeur pour cette magnifique veste en cuir à franges. J'en ai rêvé et là voilà créée. Elle tombe parfaitement bien et elle donne de l'allure à une tenue toute simple. Elle est totalement dans la tendance actuelle, puisque cette année, les franges, on en voit partout! Pour ma part ça m’arrange, j’adore ce côté cowboy/bohème qui s’invite dans les collections. J'ai hâte de la combiner cet été avec une petite robe ou une jupe. En attendant, je l’ai associée d’une façon plus demi-saison avec un jeans, un t-shirt, mes bottines python de chez Sarenza (fake python) et mon nouveau sac Gucci. :) J'espère que le résultat vous plaît.

Finalmente ho trovato la giacca che cercavo da un sacco di tempo! Penso proprio che questa primavera la indosserò praticamente con tutto. Sta benissimo con i jeans, ma è perfetta anche con un bel vestitino o una gonna. Non trovate anche voi che le frange siano semplicemente meravigliose? Pelle, frange e tutti gli altri dettagli mi fanno impazzire! Mi sa che rivedrete ancora questa giacca sul mio blog. Intanto... che ve ne pare di questo outfit? Un abbraccio e a presto!








Jacket: BDBAOFFICIAL - Boots: SARENZA here - Bag: GUCCI - Pants, tee: HOTEL PARTICULIER - Sunglasses: FENDI by SUNGLASSAVENUE here - Jewelry SORU JEWELLERY.


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Liliane

Reply Liliane on 05 May 2016:

Wat een geweldig jasje! ????????❤️

Gravatar Fashionandcash

Reply Fashionandcash on 06 May 2016:

I like your jacket and sunglasses :)

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Reply Eni on 07 May 2016:
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